The fun starts at Pandanda Society!
Welcome to Pandanda Society (PDS for short, don't get it confused with PandaSpace) lol. Pandanda Society is a PD Partnership between two blogs. Pandanda Friendship and Pandanda Maniac. Now all the fun begins here!
We will have membership contests EVERY month which means your chances of winning will be bigger. Also randomly throughout the season we'll randomly post membership codes. So basically almost every contest we do on our own separate blog will be hosted here, too!
Now let's go to the awards. The Golden Panda/Blog Awards. They will be here not so often, but about 2 months past. We will check around your blog and see if they fit into the requirements of having a chance to win, the Golden Panda/Blog Awards will be coming soon!
So, we also have SOTM(Spotlight of the Month)! The SOTM isn't just a random panda we choose and there it is, just the random spotlight of the month. Well no! Here on PDS we will be having lots of parties, and there will be a list of pandas that came. The fun point of being the SOTM is you get to be interviewed by one of us! We shoot you on a video and upload it to YouTube and install it in the Videos page. Soon or later there will be lots of videos on the Videos page!
Talking about Videos.. there will be lots of videos. You will vote for your favorite music video, and we will record it! Those are called the PDMVs(Pandanda Music Videos). Also we do videos of certain parties and more!
So this is our PDPS (Pandanda Partnership), Pandanda Society, we hope you'll have fun on our blog! Join the fun by following us! If you do not have either a Google, Yahoo, or a Twitter account you can follow by email :D
~Pandanda Society, A Partnership between Pandanda Friendship and Pandanda Maniac.
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